Category Archives: Language Learning

You are Responsible for Your Learning (Even in Language Class)

People Wasting Time in Language Class (Photo by Ilya Sonin on Unsplash)

People Wasting Time in Language Class (Photo by Ilya Sonin on Unsplash)

As I don’t tire of saying: People don’t learn languages in classrooms. If you ask me, “Pray tell, which language class should I take?” I’ll invariably say, “None.” “Alright, I know you’re not a great admirer of language classes, but which one is the best, which one is the most useful?”

– “The one you don’t take.”

You notice that in these fake conversations I tend to be rather snarky. Nonetheless, it’s true. Today I would like to discuss one major reason why language classes also don’t work. Also? Yes. We have discussed many a time why they are inefficient and illogical, costly and counterproductive. There is another reason they don’t work. That one is psychological in nature. Continue reading

How Do I Quickly and Efficiently Learn a New Language?

How to get there fast

Hot to get there fast (Photo by Kolleen Gladden on Unsplash)

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How do I Quickly and Efficiently Learn a New Language?

The first step is to realize that most people do it wrong. Everybody knows that if you learn a language in school, you don’t actually learn it. And yet, when people want to learn a language later in life they remember how they “learned” languages in school and say to themselves, “Alright then, I still have my French grammar book, and oh look, my old vocabulary list. Here we go.” That’s all wrong.

Many people ask this question: How can I quickly and efficiently learn a new language? This happens to be a question that is also very important to me personally. I like learning languages, as you know; but I also like doing many other things. There are 24 hours in a day and thus a mere 168 hours in a week. I suggest we use that time wisely. Continue reading

Is it possible to learn a language completely through Rosetta Stone?

Eager Learner Using Inefficient Software

Eager Learner Using Inefficient Software (Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash)

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Is it possible to learn a language completely through Rosetta Stone?

People often ask whether it is possible to learn a language in its entirety just by using Rosetta Stone.

I don’t enjoy bashing other people’s products, but I must tell you quite honestly that I think it’s a terrible idea to learn with Rosetta Stone (or other programmes like it for that matter). Not only can you not learn a language completely this way; but it is a waste of time to use it at all. Continue reading

How to Learn Any Language – A Comprehensive Guide (No Shortcuts or Hacks)

Open the book on the secrets of language learning. Learning a language is simple but not easy.

(Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. If you buy something through them, you support this blog without any additional cost to yourself. If you choose to do so, I am indeed much obliged.)

How to Learn Any Language – A Comprehensive Guide (No Shortcuts or Hacks)

Humans all learn languages the same way. There are many different methods, but the actual mechanism of how we learn to understand and use a language is the same in every human being. This might surprise you, and you might even be outraged at such a bold claim, but I am fairly certain that you will agree with it by the time we’re done here.

This guide will show you how we learn languages, that is, how our minds acquire a new language, the mechanism by which we actually learn. Then I will propose a method for you to do it yourself if you are so inclined.

There are plenty of people on the Internet and otherwise who give advice on language learning. Many of them provide us with useful information; some of them are outstanding language learners or language theorists. A few of them have been very important to me personally in my own language learning. Continue reading